Whole Foods

A Sustainable Diet

Is one of your health goals to improve your eating habits? For your lifestyle to include food that supports your good health? That's awesome! The way you fuel your body is an indicator of its performance. Considering to improve your diet is a step in the right direction. Better eating habits support your health journey to heal, build energy & endurance, and even support mental health.

But this is one of the things that's easier said than done. Right?

WRONG! It can be as easy as you need if you ditch the diet culture scheme.

When I say "improve your diet", I mean the quality of the food intake. By no means is referring to restrictive ways of approaching food. That may work for some, based on their bio-individuality or particular circumstances. For most is quite unbearable and unnatural.

Limiting food groups, weighing food, or eating only certain foods, create unnecessary pressure that detours from what wellbeing and health are all about. That restrictive approach usually favors quitting and even hating the road to becoming a better version of yourself.

Who wants that? Who NEEDS that?

Aiming to improve the quality of your meals and supporting healthy eating habits is easier than what you have been led to believe. Why? Because there is just one rule - Eat Whole Foods a.k.a REAL FOOD!

"How can that be?" | "It can't be that simple!" | "What are Whole Foods?"

If this question immediately popped in your head, keep reading. There is valuable info for you in this blog post.


What are Whole Foods?

Whole Foods are pure and unprocessed food with no chemical preservatives, colors, or additives. The food that is as closest to its form in nature. It includes flavorful fruits, nutritious and colorful vegetables, legumes, seeds, and more. And no, it does not mean eating RAW, you can cook it or condiment it with herbs or spices and still be Whole Foods.

A way to see it is that vegetables are Whole Foods, but a bag of veggie chips is not. Quinoa and brown rice are whole foods, but the bread is not.

Catch the drift?

Everything is fair game as long as it's not processed or enhanced chemically. No need to count calories, get too caught up in the quantity of food. Once you start improving the quality of your meals with Whole Foods, your body will calibrate the amount of food it needs, its cravings, and many other aspects related to food intake.


Whole Foods - A sustainable way to eat healthily

Without falling into an overpromise, Whole Foods is the most sustainable way to improve your eating habits. Why? Two Reasons.

First is not restrictive to your preferences. You can still eat your favorite meals by adjusting the quality of the ingredients. This quality control happens by simply learning to read the ingredients list. That's it! No complicated rules, percentages to calculate, magic potions, or guilt! 

Secondly, it's an approach that honors your body's needs and its natural way of processing foods. When eating Whole Foods you, are providing your body with a familiar fuel source it can substantially benefit from. The nutrients and compounds in Whole Foods are easy-going on your digestive system. Leaving no room for sensitivities or complex detoxification of chemicals that harm your body.

Whole Foods directly respond to the nutrients needed for your body to run in optimum conditions. Therefore you don't need to compensate with overeating or underperforming. When eating Whole Foods you get all of the body's nutrient needs to support a healthy metabolism, a proper production of hormones among other regulatory processes in the body.  

So it's not only easy to implement but will leave you feeling great in the process. 

Where is the pressure of stress when embracing this approach to diet?

  • Reading Ingredients? Check this video out - it gives you the 411. It's not complicated as you would think.

  • Having to forfeit the "convenience" of processed foods? If you were willing to embrace restriction as a way of living, you might as well sacrifice 20 minutes of your day to cooking.

  • Having to buy organic everything? Not necessarily! It's better to buy organic? Yes! But it's not a requisite for Whole Foods.

  • Feeling intimidated by a new approach with lots of options instead of restriction? Been there, but it gets easy quickly! Here is an example of a grocery list to help you get started.


Quick Survey:


Shifts to Implement Whole Foods in your Diet.

If you wish to embrace a healthier eating habit with Whole Foods, here are a few shifts to get you going:


If you need a little extra support to implement Whole Foods reach out! It's time to experience sustainable transformation. Let's jump into a Discovery Session and explore all the possibilities to sustain your health journey even when the context is less than ideal.


From my journey to yours

It's about the right fuel for the body, not a perfect diet!

When I was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism & Hashimoto, everything became about food restrictions. I had to admit that my eating habits were less than ideal, but also that a change so drastic would only backfire long term. It was confusing and most of the time, discouraging.

When I learned about Whole Foods, everything changed for the better. It was not about a complex meal plan but the quality of food. It was just one rule I could uphold every day. Eliminated the pressure and provided an opportunity to be creative with the one thing that caused the most stress since the diagnosis - my diet.

Slowly I became confident and well versed in what my body needed, what it enjoyed, and what it could handle. My meals only had to check-mark one thing. It went from restrictive to liberating with one question. But most importantly, it was an approach tailored to me. When is that a losing formula?

And all this conversation without getting deep into the taste aspect- that's very bio-individual to consider as a metric to evaluate Whole Foods. But if I may, once you taste the food in its whole foods form, everything else will taste flat to your palate. Don't believe me? Try it and get back to me!

Until Next One!

Stay happy, stay healthy, Stay BALANCED,



