Connecting Body & Mind to Movement


How about we reflect on the role of body movement in your life? Not only how it looks, but how it should feel to you. Let's be open-minded and explore physical health from a different perspective.

What could happen if we experience body movement from a place of joy & fun?

Click Play on the Audio Clip to listen to the Coaching Session.
Click on the video for the body movement routine for the week.


Weekly Worksheet

On this week's worksheet, you'll dive into your WHY! Understanding the purpose behind the efforts clears any obstacles on the road to success. It's not only about creating a great goal; it's also about aligning expectations with the available resources. 

  • Be vulnerable & honest

  • Show up with curiosity & optimism

  • Get creative!

  • Ditch perfection & go for joy!

Small Habits Big Changes Challenge

  • Share on Social Media every time you create movement in your day. Tag @Happy__Mediums & @ATS_HealthCoach #SmallHabitsBigChangesWorkshop

Safety Measures

Disclaimer: As with all exercise programs, when using these exercise videos, you need to use common sense. To reduce and avoid injury, you will want to check with your doctor before beginning any fitness program. By performing any fitness exercises, you are performing them at your own risk. ATS Health Coach or Happy Mediums will not be responsible or liable for any injury or harm you sustain as a result of our online fitness videos or information shared on our social media pages. This includes emails, videos, and text. Thanks for your understanding.