Shifts To Balance
Modifying Transformation
Let’s get honest, you know exactly what you need to do to be healthier, stronger & calmer. You are fully aware of all the basic aspects of your life that need to change to live a healthier lifestyle.
Knowing is not the problem. Is it?
The problem is that you don’t know how to implement those changes in a sustainable or joyful manner. That is reasonable, especially when you live in a century that does not support a healthy lifestyle. There are plenty of overworked, sleep deprived, sugar craving junk food eating, movement denied stressed human with health concerns in the world.
It is fair to say change is not always pleasant, but let’s also establish that it doesn’t have to be a misery sentence. Specially when it’s regarding your health. Why should it feel like a living nightmare to make yourself better?
If you can relate please keep reading. There is a proposal that may fit your circumstances and support your health goals.
Shifts to Balance.
Rome was not built in a day, right? It took time & hard work. And it was built from scratch. Imagine trying to design a new set of rules to living when you are building over decades of learned behaviors. It’s quite complicated & messy. It’s just not realistic do it in one big or drastic swipe.
My proposal is to do it in cumulative simple actions that are honest to who you are but challenge you in a positive way. Acts that are accessible for your interests and your levels of discomfort. Implement a couple of shifts until you reach a manageable balance. Until you have grown your stamina and preferences to pursue other changes.
The whole point is to move forward. No matter how long it takes. It’s all about creating an environment that supports your improvements long term and for good.
A progressive renovation
Have you ever tried to cut any bad habit cold turkey? Find it miserable in a couple of days, fail to shake it off and go back to the habit. Then miraculously, find the muse to try again but with the same approach failing again and then stop or quit all together because its just “not in you to change”.
Or say you did succeed but as time passes you find yourself circling back to the habit because well, a band aid solution cannot work forever.
These approaches always fail long term because they don’t honor transformation, they confine misjudged behavior and don’t present a real solution. No wonder you are miserable with the “change”.
When you create simple shifts until you reach balance you approach transformation with an effective, efficient & everlasting solution.
Effective because you can stay accountable and committed to the simple changes, it’s doable for you. Efficient because as you consistently achieve the simple milestones you start building a new habit around positivity. Real change! - Talk about morale boost & joy. And everlasting because once you experience the formula’s results, you’ll be surprised how many other transformations can be approached and achieved with the new mindset.
Is not a band aid solution. Is a progressive renovation around the lifestyle you dreamed to live and enjoy living.
Where to start?!
Is not about where you start or what you do… its actually just doing it.
Health is interconnected. What you eat affects your emotional health as much as your weight. Your emotional stability affects your capacity to approach physical activity goals as much as your willingness to try healthier eating options. So, wherever you start it will impact all areas.
The intensity is up to you and your circumstances.
You in?
The First Shift
Here are some areas that can be great starting points to get balance.
Remember you know what you need to do to improve life’s quality & lifestyle but its not in the knowing it’s in the doing that traction is created. It’s your responsibility to just start. If these shifts are not a fit for you feel free to reach out for a breakthrough session here. I’ll be more than happy to point you in a direction to get you started with those effective, efficient & everlasting shifts to balance.
From my journey to yours
A tailored way by you for you is best.
I was once extremely far from the lifestyle that properly nurtured my life. Lost to find my way back was an understatement. I also had to start small and simple to find my healthy rhythm. But I eventually found stable grounds that propelled me forward like I never imagined possible. More of my story here.
For me the shifts where around learning to cook, practice self care and setting a bedtime. But it will look different to you. That’s the best part. The magic is in establishing simple shifts in a regular manner that get you closer to YOUR balance - not what everyone else is doing.
Don’t be afraid to tailor the pace or the way you approach lifestyle changes or your health. At the end of the day no one knows you like you, you are your best advocate.
Until Next One!
Stay happy, stay healthy, Stay BALANCED,