Resolutions Shifts
Understand the power behind every and any simple shift
Todays blog is not a shift recommendation based on science or fact. I apologize if I fail your expectations at this point. It is a reflection based on experiences about shifts that I hope can inspire you to understand the power behind every and any simple shift.
A shift that allows you to float
When you are drowning in a beach amid tough currents, they tell you to float, let the motion of the ocean take you to calmer waters so you can then start to swim back to the shore. Its ill advised to start franticly fighting the currents as you would get tired easily and fail in the attempt to swim back to safety.
I want you to ponder the same advice when picturing health goals, especially those health goals that seem way out of reach at the moment. Loosing major weight? Changing your hectic lifestyle? Bouncing back from a health scare?
Believe me, even the advice applies then.
Can you expect to lose 20 or 30 life threatening pounds in a month if you barely exercise, have less than ideal dietary preferences or live a completely hectic life? Can you change all those thing in the blink of an eye without getting discourage or miserable? Loosing weight will probably do your life wonders and turn it around but remember it will not be easy to go against the currents and likely you are setting yourself up for misery or failure. It could be better for you to float or in this case commit to a simple shift that can get you to calmer grounds.
Holiday Resolutions
The Holiday seasons always come with major resolutions that fizzled down by the end of January. People set themselves to failure by setting drastic goals while being pulled by life’s currents in all direction but the shore. Or many other reasons if you ask them.
Any way it gives the act of resolutions a bad reputation. Many desist the idea of having resolutions or even the courage to set transformation goals, because why bother?
How sad does that sound? To me is heartbreaking.
Resolutions Shift
I am here to change that because you deserve to experience transformation, because you can be courageous enough to set and complete self-improvement goals. Whether they take you a month or 6 or more than a year.
The first transformation? Your first steppingstone? Transform the way you tackle the resolution. Do not set a yearly goal. Aim for one daily shift. Make it as little or as big as you want it.
Just float until your big goal does not seem impossible anymore.
No loopholes
This does not mean that you are just going to sit and wait for the perfect scenario to magically happen. This means that if your goal is to lose 30 lbs. and you think that is huge, make it 5 lbs. instead and everyday do one thing (big or small) to eliminate those 5 lbs. When you get to the 5 lbs. see if you can aim for 10 lbs. next or need to still aim for 5lbs at a time. Soon you will see that the goal of loosing 30 lbs. is not an impossible idea anymore.
No matter how far you are from the goal, or how turbulent your waters may be. Just one consistent shift in the right direction could help you float and allow you to set yourself up for a successful journey towards balance. Its okay to aspire to be a new you for the new year just make sure you apply the sentiment every day, not just every once in while in the year.
Never desist the idea of transformation
Never desist the idea of transformation for the fear of failing at big goals. Build your stamina, your confidence and float until that big goal does not only seem doable but you can assure its success. Pick your goal with confidence that a new version of you can be possible and its waiting for that first shift.
From my journey to yours
For me it was a health scare.
My first shift happened because of a medical diagnosis (my story here). And even then I had to float. I was not ready or prepared to achieve that big goal of changing my whole life around. But I could change one little thing. That little thing made another shift possible and before I knew it my impossible goal became my everyday life. I’m not afraid anymore to set new goals and allow myself the privilege of sustainable transformations every single day.
I’m not telling you this to pat myself on the back, although I’m very proud of how far I have come and excited for the next goals. I’m sharing this because YOU NEED TO KNOW IT IS DOABLE. You don’t have to settle for uncompleted goals just because you had turbulent waters that made it impossible to achieve them over night. You just have to redefine your resolutions and commit to simple shifts instead, learn to float your way to success.
Now, take opportunity the holidays and new year provide. Make that resolution. Give yourself the opportunity to transform into a better version of you. Because it is there, waiting for your first shift.
Until Next One!
Stay happy, stay healthy, Stay BALANCED,