Circadian Rhythm
Recalibrate your energy production
Do you ever feel frustrated that you are tired when you are supposed to be awake but highly wired & unsettled when you are supposed to be sleeping? That disconnection is common BUT IT IS NOT NORMAL. Your body is design to produce all the energy your are suppose to use - not more or less. If you are depleted is because you are using too much not because you are producing too little.
Say it with me, SUPRACHIASMATIC NUCLEUS… fine…SCN for short? Okay it’s a science but I’ll break it down.
The SCN is responsible for coordinating all the circadian rhythms that affect mental & physical systems. In turn the circadian rhythms oversee optimization of bodily processes in 24 hours periods. In simpler words, it helps control your body's daily schedule. It regulates the production of proteins to assure better digestion, and it signals hormones & neurotransmitters to give you more energy or relax you. Among OTHERS.
The SCN responds to cues to properly operate and sync up with your needs. Its not exactly an alarm going off, but things like light & darkness trigger certain cells to activate biological processes. The eye-brain connection lets the SCN know when it is dark, so it activates the melatonin production to help you sleep better. On the other end, there is the Melanopsin protein located in the eye which picks up blue light (signaled by the sun) and triggers the SCN to release hormones like cortisol, testosterone and activate peristalsis (when you have to pee or poop in the morning) to get you ready for your daily activities.
The Stimulus
Now picture this, you are supposed to be sleeping but your house is lit up and the TV is going loud & the smartphone’s blue light is burning your eyes and you haven’t been outside in a while because the computer screen has been in your face for 9+hrs non-stop stimulating you to work-work-work & work.
You are making it hard for the SCN to respond to the ideal cues and trigger the optimum processes in a timely manner. Think about it for a minute. It’s kind of self-sabotage. Don’t you think?
Circadian Rhythm Shifts to Try
It is important to know that there are various factors that trigger the SCN like exercise, social activity, and body temperatures, BUT light sensitivity is the most influential.
From my journey to yours
Reclaim your power and start by responsibly managing the basics.
The modern century is not really helping the natural cycles to take place. Always asking you to be connected, be productive & wired. Always demanding more energy than we are capable of producing. That creates a snowball effects that leaves you tired, hungry & fat. But it is possible to opt-out and create a healthy balanced & joyful lifestyle that properly calibrates your energy levels.
Until Next One!
Stay happy, stay healthy, Stay BALANCED,