Thinking Meditations

A moment to breathe into that "monkey brain" with some guidance and let it think
freely without judgment or expectation. The goal is to work  through  those
doubts/fears that paralyze efforts to change, modify or even create something
for ourselves with an exploration/awareness lense.

Aim to learn from the thoughts, not fix them right away.

Click on the recording that best fits your mindset needs.

How do you feel, really?

10 minutes

Conversations usually start with a, "Hey! How are you?" followed by an enthusiastic "All good, how about you? It happens so often, that it's become the default, as opposed to an honest answer. In truth, we will not unpack our current status after a simple greeting. But the inconvenience is when we forfeit our truth because we have repeated "all good, how about you?", many times. Instead of honoring the honest answer, we put bandaids and look the other way to make that "all good" answer true. Now, I know your vulnerability is not a business card you share with all. But make sure that every so often, you look in the mirror and ask yourself, "how are you, really?" and give yourself an honest answer. With that answer, you can build a plan of transformation and healing fit for you that will take you to that version of yourself, you are looking to unlock. As you come back from the thinking meditation, make a note of the emotion that is staying with you right now. Is it one you need to change? Is it one you want to keep feeling? Whichever your answer, go to your schedule or agenda and make time to nourish it or work on changing it.


What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail?

10 minutes

Accepting that you are responsible for sabotaging your dreams or goals is both liberating and binding. Yet that doesn't mean it's a bad thing. It just means there is an opportunity to nurture these ideas with a healthy dose of positivity, confidence, reality, and power to favor our goals. In other words, cultivate a growth mindset for it to become a superpower instead of self-destructive. Schedule action after the meditation and you'll start building that confidence that momentum that will get you closer to your goals, to that healthy & balanced lifestyle you are deserving of. Make yourself an ally and advocate of your dreams, as opposed to the biggest obstacle.


Do you think you can heal?

10 minutes

An empowered healing journey is not short of obstacles. It's not only traveled on hardships either. It's a continuous ebb and flow of challenges that can take a toll on the strongest out there. One thing in common among those who persevere is a strong conviction that given the chance they can make it happen. They can sustainably get to their destination and can achieve their goals. Now, is that attached to resources, power, or health state? Or is it beyond the materialistic and tangible part of it? See where your heart and mind fall in this spectrum by doing this thinking meditation. Can you trust the process? Can you become your biggest strength?